Street workout equipment

Motoriko street workout equipment by Ecoplay llc gives space and the opportunity for the whole family to move, have fun, develop and experience completely new situations together. Motoric parks are environments that make all this possible and bring valuable benefits to a society that becomes healthier, smarter and happier with each visit to the outdoor workout area.

workout equipment producer

workout equipment producer

workout equipment producer

workout equipment producer

workout equipment producer

workout equipment producer

workout equipment producer

See dimensions at the bottom of this page

Street workout parks can consist of elements that are safely made as a children's playground equipment (age 0 to 14 years are covered by the safety standard EN 1176) or as permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment (age period 14+ is covered by the safety standard EN 16630).

Motoriko street workout equipment by Ecoplay llc are therefore composed with interesting and diverse elements that will challenge all age groups. Motoric parks are expanding rapidly across Europe, as awareness of the importance of movement and motor development is growing.

Movement and play are processes that our brains love to perform and are a source of pleasure and relaxation. Children who are motor-skilled and have a good command of various motor skills are able to quickly and well acquire new, sometimes very specific skills, which also facilitate their cognitive development. In addition, exercise games are the most fun and easiest way to maintain fitness and prevent obesity in both children and adults. Any improvement in balance and skill of body movement, improvement of rhythm and coordination of movement, and improvement of control of body movement is very valuable for any person.

Motoriko street workout equipment by Ecoplay llc are suitable for every individual, regardless of age, sports fitness or gender, as the user can fully adjust the way of training to suit him. Motoric parks consist of elements for all phases of training: warm-up, fitness training, mobility, balance, strength and cooling.

Copyright © 2022 Vesna Duval All rights reserved. Production of the Motoriko models is allowed only to the street workout equipment producer Eko igrala d.o.o. Eco play l.l.c., copying is prohibited. All models are registered with